Staffed by a knowledgeable pharmacy professional

Managed by a certified pharmacy technician with significant e-prescribing experience, the helpline offers assistance to independent pharmacists in three important ways:

  • Helping to document and classify issues.
  • Executing the research needed to help address and define a plan of action to help resolve the question or issue.
  • Providing personal follow-up to ensure that inquiring pharmacists receive answers and additional assistance as appropriate.

Be sure to download, print and post this information in your pharmacy for easy reference.

We also encourage you to browse our site to learn more about the status of E-prescribing of Controlled Substances.

A complement to pharmacy computer system vendors

The Independent Pharmacy Helpline provides a live resource but is not intended to replace the support pharmacists get from their pharmacy system vendor. We set up our helpline to address critical, urgent or persistent issues as a supplement to pharmacy system vendor support. The helpline provides three ways to access direct assistance: