
Improve data quality & prescriber/ pharmacist collaboration

Prescribing is complex. Important details like patient directions can get lost in translation. Confusion over coverage can cause delays. And out-of-pocket costs can pose a barrier.

Intelligent prescribing makes the entire process more predictable and efficient—and gets treatment back on track quickly if a prescription hits a snag. Our solutions are built to deliver high-quality data and make it easier for prescribers and pharmacists to collaborate quickly, so patients get their medication right away.

2.5 billion

e-prescriptions filled in 2023, including 21 million specialty prescriptions1


of discontinued medications successfully canceled at the pharmacy after implementing CancelRx2 

34.6 million

RxChange transactions in 2023, enabling pharmacist/prescriber collaboration1

The Surescripts Platform

Powering the future of healthcare

Health intelligence sharing at scale requires powerful infrastructure. The Surescripts Platform supports every Surescripts product and every Network Alliance participant with industry-leading reliability, security and scalability.

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Success Stories

Real-world results

“CancelRx provides the alignment of a patient’s prescription information across care provider systems […] and improves our collective ability to ensure that patients are taking the appropriate medication.”

Tolu Akinwale Manager, Electronic Prescribing, Walgreens

“EPCS is one example of how our customers can achieve interoperability, resulting in increased practice efficiency and patient convenience, not to mention improved patient safety.”

George Cuthbert Vice President, MEDENT
George Cuthbert slider@2x (1)

Keep pace with healthcare innovation

  1. Surescripts, “2023 National Progress Report,” March 2024.
  2. Taylor L. Watterson et al., “CancelRx Implementation: Observed Changes to Medication Discontinuation Workflows Over Time,” Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, Volume 5 (January 25, 2022).
  3. Jaime Y. Smith et al., “E-Prescribing with Decision Support Is Associated with Improvements in Medication Adherence," American Journal of Pharmacy Benefits (July/August 2016).
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