Managing at-risk patient populations has never been easier.

Identify patients who have gaps in care and better prioritize the outreach and intervention of high-risk populations. These changes will help you drive value-based care outcomes.

Allows for customization of patient cohorts

Target patients or cohorts based on demographic or patient information, such as whether they are post-surgery or have a specific insurance plan.

Retrieves timely information

Receive medication history information at a frequency best suited for your program, such as weekly, biweekly or monthly.

Provides new insights

With proactive notifications, you give care managers insights into new medications or medication changes in-between patient visits and medication history data pulls.

Pulls comprehensive prescription purchase data

View medication history data for medications purchased by the patient—regardless of whether they paid via a benefit plan, discount card program or even cash pay.



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Let’s discuss how Medication History for Populations can work for you.