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Bringing patient

Insights into Focus

for better care management

In the U.S. today, an aging population1 and increasing rates of chronic conditions2 all but guarantee a continued rise in healthcare costs—and of course, saving can't mean sacrificing patient experience. Instead, healthcare organizations of every kind must manage care to reduce per capita costs while improving the health of the populations they serve.

That means communication across healthcare is more crucial than ever. When patient data is siloed out of reach or out of sight, the everyday work of care management becomes slow and costly.

But when healthcare professionals and organizations can seamlessly exchange actionable intelligence on at-risk individuals and populations, the potential of care management flourishes. And we're starting to see it happen.

Read on to see how the Surescripts Network Alliance® is harnessing better clinical and medication data for more effective care management across the nation.

How better insights transform care management

One Patient's Journey

Joyce M

When Joyce M. moves from Detroit to Minneapolis to be near her grandchildren, she's sad that she can't bring along the doctor who's been helping to manage her Type 2 diabetes. But thanks to the Surescripts Network Alliance, Joyce's clinical and medication history can follow her to her new home—and all along her healthcare journey.

Note: Patient scenario and all related patient information are fictional and intended only to illustrate how Surescripts could support better care management.

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Getting more from care management across the Surescripts Network Alliance

With more insights in focus at every step, everyone involved in care management benefits. Here's what happens when they participate in the Surescripts Network Alliance.


Health systems

  • Securely share and efficiently compile clinical information across organizations to better coordinate care
  • Improve quality performance and value-based care outcomes
  • Comply with requirements to electronically send admission, discharge and transfer notifications
  • Meet CMS Quality Payment Program requirements for ambulatory care providers to demonstrate interoperability

"Sometimes it can take hours to try to get records from different places. Not only are they busy in the ED, but so are pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in retail pharmacy locations. If you're calling and trying to get information from them, they have to also pull away from their customers and they're short-staffed as well. And so having a network that has so much information in one place is really important."

Kristin Alvarez,
Director, Center for Innovation and Value,
Parkland Hospital System

Health plans

  • Deliver medication insights directly to provider workflows, reducing the need for retrospective compliance initiatives and helping issues like nonadherence get immediate attention
  • Securely communicate with providers and deliver important updates about formulary changes, drug safety notices and gaps in care
  • Give care managers timely insight into where members have received care and access to clinical documentation
  • Alert care managers to key events for patients in their programs, such as a doctor visit, admission, discharge or receiving medication

"Payers need to be able to look at populations taken care of by providers to see what we are getting for our money. These are also important tools when we think about the research that's going to allow us to actually get better at treating some of these diseases, or all diseases."

Don Rucker, M.D.
former National Coordinator for
Health Information Technology

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Together, we're delivering a clearer picture of patients and populations nationwide.

Thanks to the collaboration and innovation of organizations throughout the Surescripts Network Alliance, the full power of care management is coming into view.

Care management teams within health plans and health systems are getting more timely insights to coordinate care and reduce avoidable costs.

Clinicians are getting a clearer picture of their patients, so they spend less time tracking down information and stay focused on delivering appropriate, timely and cost-effective treatment.

Most important, patients are getting better-informed care that keeps them healthier—wherever their journey may take them.

Want to connect with Surescripts about your organization's care management needs?

Contact Us


  1. Surescripts, "2018 Impact Report: Clinical Interoperability," 2019, p. 6.
  2. Kin Wah Fun et al., "Comparison of Electronic Pharmacy Prescription Records with Manually Collected Medication Histories in an Emergency Department," Annals of Emergency Medicine 62, no. 3 (May 20, 2013): 205—211."
  3. Surescripts, "Case Study: How Medication History Helps Parkland Health & Hospital System Avoid Readmissions and Pinpoint Nonadherence," January 2021, p. 1.
  4. Surescripts, "2020 National Progress Report," April 2021.
  5. Surescripts, internal network data, August 2021.
  6. Surescripts, "Case Study: How Medication History Helps Parkland Health & Hospital System Avoid Readmissions and Pinpoint Nonadherence," p. 1.
  7. Surescripts, "Case Study: How Aledade Improved Quality Scores and Star Ratings With Medication History," May 2020, p. 1.
  8. Unpublished communication from a Surescripts customer, September 2021.