NCPDP 2023 Upgrade

Surescripts is excited to introduce enhancements within our upgrade process for the NCPDP 2023 Upgrade. Together, our upgrade journey will not only comply with regulations set by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) but also elevate the Surescripts Network Alliance beyond industry standards.


Helping you successfully transition to a new standard

We’re convening and guiding the industry through the NCPDP 2023 Upgrade with an intuitive and accommodating upgrade experience.

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Take part in our NCPDP 2023 Upgrade Webinar series for an engaging experience where industry experts and thought leaders convene to share their insights, experience and best practices.

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As part of our enhanced testing and certification process, you can use our self-service tool to help validate requirements are met.

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Lean on the knowledge of our team dedicated to providing you with relevant information on the NCPDP 2023 Upgrade, such as technical specifications and best practices.

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Become familiar with the NCPDP Upgrade at our monthly webinars

Gain a deeper understanding of the NCPCP 2023 Upgrade, how it impacts Surescripts products and what it means for your organization.


Explore NCPDP Upgrade news & insights


Find out more about the impact of the NCPDP 2023 Upgrade

What Surescripts products are impacted?
  • E-Prescribing
  • Medication History
  • Electronic Prior Authorization
  • Real Time Prescription Benefit
  • Formulary
What are the new standards within the NCPDP 2023 Upgrade?
  • SCRIPT Standard v2023011
    • E-Prescribing
    • Medication History
    • Electronic Prior Authorization
  • Real-Time Prescription Benefit Standard version 13
  • Formulary & Benefit Standard v60
When will CMS issue their final rule?

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published the final rule in the Federal Register on June 17, 2024.

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has established the following compliance dates for entities to transition to the new standards for U.S. Department of Health and Human services (HHS) use:

  • January 1, 2027 – Real Time Prescription Benefit v13 and Formulary and Benefit v60
  • January 1, 2028 – SCRIPT v2023011
Will Surescripts be providing translation services and what will translation services look like?

Translation services are included in your investment with Surescripts. This means you can depend on us to translate as you move from one standard to the next. At some point after the new standard is established, we will start to charge for translations. Specific details are forthcoming, and our goal is to go out to the network early with our approach.

When will the implementation guides be available?

Surescripts is actively preparing for the NCPDP 2023 standards. Our goal is to have the Companion Guides available shortly after the final rule is published.

What will Surescripts expect to offer in a testing environment?

Surescripts has a full staging environment available for testing. We’re actively working on enhancing the testing tools within staging to bring more self-service capabilities to the market.

Where can we find test cases/test scripts once we are ready to test our code?

Surescripts will have test cases available shortly after the CMS issues its final rule. When you are aware of your development timeline, please inform your Surescripts Account Manager and we can ensure you receive the test cases along with our testing resources.

How does my organization become an early adopter?

Surescripts is looking for early adopters! If your organization is interested, please reach out to your Account Manager.

Sign up for our webinar series

Become an active member of this journey toward implementing the NCPDP 2023 Upgrade. Enter your details to start receiving invitations to our monthly webinars where we cover the latest information and answer your questions about the upgrade.

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