Informing treatment with unprecedented insight into past care

When Yale New Haven Health integrated Record Locator & Exchange, its clinicians and care navigators gained links to records such as discharge summaries and continuity of care documents from hundreds of thousands of other healthcare providers. Now, they can prepare for appointments and create treatment plans with a broader view of information such as medical problems, medications, allergies, immunizations, lab results and physician notes. If more information is needed, they can use location summaries to identify and contact the provider for details.

Records identified from outside the state in the course of one year:

6.8 million

“Reducing the dependency on patient-reported data improves the quality and completeness of the data our providers use to make care decisions for their patients. And not having to chase patients down by phone has been life-changing. Now, I don’t have to rely on the patient. I turn to Surescripts first.”

Maggie Shalagan Lead Preventive Health Coordinator, Northeast Medical Group (part of Yale New Haven Health)