Instant cost & coverage insights save time for patients & pharmacy staff

Staywell Pharmacy owner Sanjay Sheshadri adopted Real-Time Prescription Benefit to help his staff find alternatives for non-covered medications, along with accurate information on copays and prior authorization. Now that these insights from Surescripts are integrated with their pharmacy management system, PrimeRx, Staywell staff can address cost and coverage barriers right away.

Average time needed to identify lower-cost alternatives before Real-Time Prescription Benefit

10–15 minutes

Average time needed to identify lower-cost alternatives with Real-Time Prescription Benefit

A few seconds

Average wait time saved by avoiding prior authorization

3–4 days

The Real-Time Benefit solution allows us to deliver options and solutions that address the unique needs of each patient.

Sanjay Sheshadri Owner, Staywell Pharmacy