Given the progress Surescripts has made driving adoption and utilization of e-prescribing, we are now uniquely positioned to optimize the process. We’re doing this by adding new functionality like electronic prior authorization, and by improving the quality of the data that flows over the network to increase customer satisfaction and drive growth.
E-prescribing is the perfect example of successful interoperability happening right now. Our infographic below maps out its inspiring road to success.

Learn About Our E-Prescribing Offerings
Discover how our e-prescribing solutions are driving value and improving optimization throughout the industry.
E-Prescribing allows health care providers in all care settings – ambulatory, acute, post-acute, long term, and specialty – to manage prescriptions electronically, making prescribing more convenient and efficient.
E-Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) creates a pathway for physicians to manage all their prescriptions within the electronic workflow.
A new, real-time electronic prior authorization solution integrated into the EHR workflow.