
Leverage prescription benefit insights at the right time

When cost or coverage issues delay important care, it’s an unwelcome surprise for everyone involved. High costs harm adherence. Care teams and support staff face extra phone calls, faxes, research and rework. Meanwhile, cost pressures increase as our population ages and science produces promising but pricy medical advancements, including specialty medications.

Surescripts shares accurate, up-to-date prescription benefit and price intelligence when and where it’s needed, making it easy to choose the best option for each patient.


average Real-Time Prescription Benefit savings/prescription ($785 for specialty medications)1


percentage-point pickup rate gain with Real-Time Prescription Benefit2


reduction in erroneous selection of secondary Medicaid plans for Eligibility users3

The Surescripts Network

Powering the future of healthcare

Health intelligence sharing at scale requires powerful infrastructure. The Surescripts network safeguards the Network Alliance by delivering industry-leading reliability, security and scalability—all backed by our unshakable dedication to network integrity and compliance.

The Surescripts network Diagram
Success Stories

Real-world results

“[With Real-Time Prescription Benefit I can] turn my computer screen to my patient and family members and say, 'I have this medication in mind, but let's look at it together and see what your costs will be.'”

Dr. Michelle Forbes Physician, MD Pediatric Associates

Keep pace with healthcare innovation

  1. Surescripts, "2023 National Progress Report," March 2024, p. 8.
  2. Surescripts, “2022 Medication Affordability & Adherence Impact Report,” September 2022.
  3. Surescripts, "2023 National Progress Report,” p. 6.
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