Addressing cost concerns efficiently at the pharmacy counter

Pharmacist Priyank Patel implemented Real-Time Prescription Benefit at his three New York pharmacies to give his team access to real-time, patient-specific cost and coverage data straight from the patient’s benefit plan. With these insights, it became far easier to address cost concerns, avoid unnecessary prior authorizations and coordinate prescription changes within the pharmacy management system. In a community where cost barriers can readily derail treatment, his pharmacists are filling more prescriptions that patients can afford and adhere to. 

Better adherence
First-fill abandonment dropped


Refill rate increased


More efficient operations
Daily phone calls decreased by


Estimated savings per year per location:


"We're now able to figure out what medications are on formula and what medications are covered before customers even walk into the pharmacy. It’s the efficiencies that Surescripts solutions provide that save time while increasing medication compliance and support business in my independent pharmacies,”

Priyank Patel owner and pharmacist, Felicity Pharmacy