
Reduce paperwork and costs with trusted health intelligence

Specialty medications can change lives—but they come with a high price tag and require unique expertise. Slow access to critical data, outdated technology and manual processes can all stand in the way of starting treatment.

Surescripts delivers the trusted intelligence healthcare professionals need to get specialty medications to patients quickly, with less paperwork and lower costs. 

21 million

e-prescriptions processed for specialty medications in 20231


average savings per specialty prescription with Real-Time Prescription Benefit1

Nearly 2 days

cut from average time to fill for one large specialty pharmacy with Specialty Medications Gateway2

The Surescripts Platform

Powering the future of healthcare

Health intelligence sharing at scale requires powerful infrastructure. The Surescripts Platform supports every Surescripts product and every Network Alliance participant with industry-leading reliability, security and scalability.

platform image
Success Stories

Real-world results

“Surescripts solutions accelerate the process for specialty prescribing, fulfillment and onboarding by filling information gaps with clinical intelligence. Speed and patient safety are enhanced.”

Katie Reeves Senior Product Manager, Accredo

Keep pace with healthcare innovation