June 1, 2020Insights
How to Prepare for the Perfect Storm: Hurricane Season and COVID-19

What’s being predicted as a hurricane season with above-normal activity by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is upon us, only this…

May 28, 2020Insights
The Exam Room Is a Sacred Space: How One Doctor Broaches Prescription Costs

As a physician and as Surescripts Chief Medical Information Officer, I often find myself talking with other clinicians about how they’re using technology to…

May 26, 2020Insights
Opening Our Eyes to New Possibilities

Winston Churchill once said: "The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."While it may seem…

May 19, 2020Insights
Helping Frontline Healthcare Workers with Technical Prowess and Empathy

Bonnie Radintz is well known by her colleagues and our customers as an all-around rockstar. She combines her deep technical expertise with true empathy for the…

May 13, 2020Insights
Survey Says: Specialty Pharmacists Want More Time for Patient Care

Specialty medications treat challenging chronic conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Some specialty medications improve the…

May 13, 2020Press Releases
Specialty Pharmacists Report Process Delays of Up to 10 Days to Get Patients Started on Treatment

Survey Highlights Opportunities to Leverage Technology to Improve Time-Consuming Administrative Process, Especially While Many Physicians Are Offline or…

May 8, 2020Data Report
Pharmacists Perspectives on the Specialty Fulfillment Process

Surescripts commissioned a survey of 414 specialty pharmacists to understand Learn about the challenges and bright spots in their work getting critical…

May 4, 2020Insights
Interoperability Creates Healthcare for (All) the Ages

When I was a kid it wasn’t uncommon for everyone in a family — kids, parents, even grandparents — to go to the same healthcare clinic. Adults would see one…

April 29, 2020Insights
Recognizing Industry Leaders in Their Quest for Prescription Accuracy

In a perfect world, electronic prescriptions would flow seamlessly from the physician to the pharmacy to the patient, without interruption and without extra…