August 13, 2019Insights
When Paperwork Comes Before Patients: Missing Key Information Complicates Specialty Prescribing

William J. Mayo, MD, (“Doctor Will”) said, “The best interest of the patient is the only interest to be considered, and in order that the sick may have the…

July 30, 2019Insights
Lessons Learned: How Connecticut Implemented an EPCS Requirement That Was Effective and Embraced by the Medical Community

Connecticut’s Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances (EPCS) requirement came into effect in January 2018. As Director of Connecticut's Drug Control…

July 29, 2019Press Releases
Statement Regarding ReMy Health

“After a preliminary investigation, we uncovered evidence that third-party vendor ReMy Health provided one or more of its customers unauthorized access to the…

July 28, 2019Insights
Balancing Innovation and Interoperability with Data Privacy and Security

The healthcare industry is in a constant state of innovation – not just new tools and technology, but new regulations for sharing health data, and new…

July 26, 2019Insights
Here's What It Takes to Build the Nation's Most Trusted & Capable Health Information Network

Anyone working in health information technology knows: there's nothing simple about interoperability.It's not just the massive coordination across the…

July 25, 2019Insights
How Aurora Health Care Used Electronic Prior Authorization To Cut Clinic Staff Overtime By More Than Half

Can we all agree that traditional prior authorization takes too much time and effort?A few months ago, after switching jobs and insurance providers, a friend…

July 24, 2019Insights
With an Eye on Interoperability, Surescripts Provides Feedback on TEFCA 2.0

The most efficient and sophisticated health information network is useless without access to actionable health information. With that in mind, Surescripts…

July 22, 2019Insights
The Onerous Specialty Prescribing Process Hurts Patients and Tires Doctors. What Can Be Done?

It really should be so simple—getting a patient on a specialty therapy. The doctor and patient have chosen the best therapy; the patient is in great need.…

July 11, 2019Insights
The Secret is Out: Comprehensive Clinical History Improves Your Ability to Care for Every Patient, at Every Stage

A study of Medicare beneficiaries found that, on average, patients saw seven different physicians across four different practices — in a two-year period. Think…