May 21, 2019Insights
An Urgent Call for Transformation: Prescribers Need Better Information and a Streamlined Specialty Prescribing Process

Most likely, you or someone you love has been impacted by a complex or chronic illness like cancer or multiple sclerosis. Sadly, these diseases—and the cost…

May 20, 2019Insights
Federal Government Issues Final Rule: Part D Plans Must Adopt a Real Time Benefit Tool

On May 16, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its final rule: Medicare Advantage and Part D Drug Pricing Final Rule (CMS-4180-F). We’…

May 20, 2019Insights
Two Billion E-Prescriptions, a Screaming Toddler and the 2019 White Coat Award

As my colleague Rachel Petersen explains it, prescription accuracy, in essence, is simple to grasp. It means that “when you get to the pharmacy with your two…

May 20, 2019Press Releases
Surescripts Expands White Coat Award To Recognize Health System, Pharmacy And EHR Leaders For Improving Prescription Accuracy

Expanded award eligibility and updated criteria elevate industry leaders who make meaningful changes to enhance patient safety and healthcare delivery     …

May 17, 2019Insights
Nationwide Interoperability at the Point of Care: True or False?

Imagine that the treatment you received in a Boston ER for a concussion—the one you sustained while playing pickup basketball—could be visible to the urgent…

April 26, 2019Insights
Driving Nationwide Interoperability, Curbing the Opioid Crisis and Addressing Prescription Costs

According to our National Progress Report, we processed 17.7 billion secure health data transactions last year—a 29% increase over 2017. We also added 8…

April 23, 2019Press Releases
Interoperability Delivers Meaningful Improvements In Healthcare Cost and Quality At Scale

New Report Shows that Significant Expansion Across the Surescripts Network Alliance®, Rapid Provider Adoption of New Technologies and Continued Innovation are…

April 22, 2019Data Report
2018 Impact Report: Clinical Interoperability

This report collects a year of data and on-the-ground reports from the Surescripts Network Alliance™ to illuminate the possibilities for nationwide…

April 15, 2019Insights
Older, Sicker Patients Will Benefit from Real-Time Benefit Tools, So Let’s Not Delay Using Them.

Healthcare costs are increasingly prohibitive for too many Americans, and these costs can hit older Americans especially hard. That’s why we applaud the…