
Dramatically reduce prior authorization burden

When prior authorizations depend on faxes and forms, everyone loses valuable time. Providers and payers spend vast resources managing manual processes. Meanwhile, patients are kept waiting for their medications—potentially risking treatment abandonment.

Together, we can make the medication prior authorization process more efficient for payers while giving providers hours of time back each week. Surescripts helps deliver clinically appropriate authorization decisions as quickly as possible while reducing—or even eliminating—manual work.

30 seconds–3 minutes

average approval time with Touchless Prior Authorization1

88% fewer

appeals for requests processed with Touchless Prior Authorization2

49% increase

in prior authorizations processed electronically in 20233

The Surescripts network

Powering the future of healthcare

Health intelligence sharing at scale requires powerful infrastructure. The Surescripts network safeguards the Network Alliance by delivering industry-leading reliability, security and scalability—all backed by our unshakable dedication to network integrity and compliance.

The Surescripts network Diagram
Success stories

Real-world results

“We are finishing 10 electronic prior authorizations in the time it takes to finish one or two manually during a day.”

Candace Minter, Pharm.D. Pharmacy Operations Manager, Sentara Medical Group

Keep pace with healthcare innovation

  1. KLAS Research K2 Collaborative, "Case Study: Leveraging Innovative Technology to Streamline Medication Prior Authorizations," September 2024, p. 3.
  2. KLAS Research K2 Collaborative, "Case Study: Leveraging Innovative Technology to Streamline Medication Prior Authorizations," p. 3.
  3. Surescripts, "2023 National Progress Report," March 2024, p. 8.
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