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The past few years have seen a shift in the pharmacy’s role in patient care. How might we see technology shift accordingly in the year ahead? 

In this article for Pharmaceutical Executive, Surescripts’ Larry King, Pharm.D., shares his perspective on how roles, policies and technology need to evolve in 2024. 

He predicts that: 

  • The role of pharmacy technicians will need to expand as the role of pharmacists on the care team evolves. 
  • Pharmacy technology will become more autonomous, allowing pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to do more with less risk of burnout. 
  • Care teams will be empowered, and technology will become more innovative to address the drivers of burnout. 
  • Policy and payment reforms will align to fully support care teams and patient access to care at the pharmacy. 

Read the article for the full story behind Larry King’s predictions. 


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