November 28, 2022Insights
The Verdict is Unanimous: Health Systems Value Reliable Medication History

The patient can be the best—and worst—source of information. Prescribers rely on patients to tell them what medications they’re taking, but that’s not always…

November 21, 2022Insights
HLTH Highlights Need for Greater Efficiency and Simplicity

As I watched and listened to leaders presenting at the 2022 HLTH conference last week, our shared fears were reaffirmed: burnout is driving doctors, nurses and…

November 8, 2022Insights
Health IT Guru Lee Barrett on Being Knocked Out Cold in the ER

Imagine this: Something happens on vacation—an accident, and you’re rolled into the ER, unconscious—and the doctors do everything in their power to help you.…

November 3, 2022Podcast
Talking Trusted & Protected Data Exchange with EHNAC’s Lee Barrett

Lee Barrett has been helping set standards for digital healthcare data management since the early ’90s. As the Executive Director and CEO of the Electronic…

November 1, 2022Insights
What the Click of a Button Can Mean for Patient Access to Medication

Pharmacist Priyank Patel, owner of Felicity Pharmacy in New York City, noticed a patient was only picking up her insulin prescription every other month,…

October 27, 2022Insights
‘Standard Bearers’ in E-Prescribing: CancelRx and RxTransfer

“Standardization.” Boring? Maybe not. Standardization in electronic prescribing boosts prescription accuracy, workflow efficiency and patient safety. In fact,…

October 25, 2022Insights
All Roads Lead Back to Community Pharmacy for Pharmacist and Recent NCPA President Michele Belcher

“Patients continue to inspire. Hearing their stories, hearing their struggles, hearing their needs—it gets me thinking of what we can do,” said Michele…

October 20, 2022Podcast
Community, the Future of Pharmacy and the Best Soda Fountain in the West

Michele Belcher may have dreamed about becoming a pediatrician, but it seems her true calling was community pharmacy. Her care is informed by deep, clinical…