January 28, 2020Insights
ZIP Code v. Genetic Code: How Health Plans Can Use Technology to Address the Social Determinants of Health

When it comes to the state of our health in the U.S., the playing field is anything but level.   Study after study has shown that life circumstances, such as…

January 27, 2020Insights
Prescribing Specialty Medications Should Be Easy. And Now, It Is.

In my work developing new health IT products, I often hear stories about patients who go to the doctor and receive a devastating diagnosis. The story may…

January 27, 2020Press Releases
Surescripts Transforms Prescribing Process for Rapidly Growing Specialty Medications Market

Electronic Health Records (EHRs), Specialty Hubs and Specialty Pharmacists Can Now Use Technology to Eliminate Weeks of Delays for Patients with Serious and…

January 21, 2020Insights
In Healthcare, Trust is a Must

As our CEO Tom Skelton recently shared in MedCity News, trust will take center stage for the health IT industry in 2020. But what does this mean for patients…

January 15, 2020Insights
How One to Two Seconds Can Improve Patient and Physician Lives

As a physician, I’m very familiar with this scenario. You see a patient and prescribe a medication. They show up at the pharmacy to pick it up only to learn…

January 13, 2020Insights
Changing the Script on the Opioid Crisis

“I entered the pharmacist profession because I care about people,” says Rodrick Marriott, Connecticut’s Director of Drug Control. “And I left it because I…

January 10, 2020Insights
AHIP Puts Surescripts Electronic Prior Authorization Tool to The Test

What if I told you Surescripts has a solution to one of the top workflow challenges faced by physicians today? Manual prior authorization has been cited by…

January 2, 2020Insights
2020 Predictions: The Health IT Year Ahead

When I started my career almost 40 years ago, I had no idea just how gratifying it would be to work in an industry devoted to helping people get, feel and stay…

December 18, 2019Insights
The Final Countdown: Healthcare is Poised for NCPDP SCRIPT Version 2017071

In healthcare, change has always been the name of the game. Over the years, some of these changes have felt imposed upon our industry without consensus or…