December 18, 2019Press Releases
Healthcare Organizations Make Major Progress in Transition to New SCRIPT Standard Ahead of January 1, 2020 CMS Deadline

Surescripts Network Alliance® Prepares to Implement NCPDP SCRIPT Version 2017071 - E-Prescribing Standard for Improved Prescription Accuracy, Patient Safety…

December 11, 2019Insights
New Perspectives on the New SCRIPT Standard: What Pharmacies Need to Know

You’ve heard it many times before and you’ll likely hear it many more times: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' adoption of the National Council…

December 9, 2019Insights
2018 Progress Report Myths v. Reality: How Healthcare Providers are Using Powerful Solutions to Deliver Better Care Nationwide

Electronic prescribing has been referred to as an early use case for interoperability—and there’s truth to that. But while Surescripts is best known as an e-…

December 6, 2019Insights
Leveraging Data to Combat the Opioid Epidemic and Keep Patients Safe

The future of information sharing is complex. In a recent op-ed in Morning Consult, Surescripts’ CEO Tom Skelton shared his thoughts on how collaboration and…

December 4, 2019Data Report
2019 Impact Report: Prescription Price Transparency

The data we present in this report reflects a strong and growing demand for prescription price transparency at the point of care.   

December 4, 2019Press Releases
Nearly a Quarter of a Million Prescribers Using Surescripts Prescription Price Transparency Tool to View Patient Medication Cost Information

Washington, D.C., Leads the Nation with Nearly 50% of E-Prescribers Utilizing the Technology In 2019, major progress was made in delivering price transparency…

December 4, 2019Insights
Forces of Change: The Industry Responds to the Call for Prescription Price Transparency

Patients are assuming a larger portion of their healthcare expenses, and are rightfully scrutinizing things like insurance premiums and out-of-pocket costs.…

November 15, 2019Insights
NCPDP SCRIPT v2017071: CMIO Podcast breaks it down — and clears it up.

Electronic prescribing has transformed health care, boasting results such as greater accuracy, efficiency and patient safety. Standards, regulations and…

November 11, 2019Insights
50 Days and Counting: Take These Necessary Steps to Meet EPCS Requirements

Fraud and abuse are prevalent in the world of prescription painkillers. In 2017, a total of 61,311 people died from drug overdoses – with an estimated 40% from…