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Interoperability and connectivity used to be the holy grail, and we've come a long way. In 2020, Surescripts connected 2 million healthcare professionals and organizations to actionable intelligence for 324 million patients—that’s 98% of the U.S. population.

But to truly improve healthcare for all, interoperability is just the start.

Two innovations in clinical intelligence are helping prevent lapses in care, avoid missed care interventions and close gaps in care management that plague the system today. Non-adherence has been attributed to over $105 billion of avoidable healthcare costs.

And this technology is more important than ever after the demands 2020 made on American healthcare. COVID-19 caused patients to miss or delay necessary health appointments, so health systems, hospitals and clinicians will need to prepare for the negative results of postponed care.

Medication histories, notifications of care transitions and adherence notifications for such patients—especially for the at-risk or newly-at-risk populations—will be crucial for better health outcomes.

Flagging Care Events Proactively

As recently as 2017, 26% of physicians said they did not receive hospital discharge summaries in time for most follow-up appointments. Surescripts Care Event Notifications sends providers and care managers notifications of clinical history events that occur for their patients, such as the patient going to a doctor, presenting at a hospital, being admitted and discharged, receiving medication, and more. By getting these notifications, providers can take steps to follow-up or intervene with the patient way before the patient even schedules an appointment or shows up to their facility.

CMS Final Rule Effective 5/1/2021

Hospitals are now required to send electronic patient event notifications of a patient’s admission, discharge, and/or transfer to another healthcare facility or community provider or practitioner.

Learn more

Anticipating Adherence Issues among Patient Populations

Surescripts Medication History for Populations service allows the care manager to anticipate adherence issues or adverse drug events and reach out to the patient in a timely manner. This safe and accurate interoperability solution proactively notifies the care team about certain prescription activities such as refill not picked up, new script from a new provider and no refills remaining.

Over $105 billion of avoidable healthcare costs have been attributed to non-adherence in the U.S. annually.

The implications of non-adherence go beyond patient outcomes and impact the entire healthcare system. Research shows that patients who do not take their medication are more likely to be hospitalized, which is significantly more expensive than ambulatory patient care.

With Surescripts technology, care management teams and healthcare organizations can unlock access to critical clinical and medication data that help address costly—but common—gaps in care and coordinate successful care transitions. Visit Surescripts.com to learn how these solutions deliver clinical intelligence, not only to connect care providers, but help them make more informed care decisions for their patients.

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