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On multiple occasions, Jennifer Chung, a pharmacy manager with Express Scripts, showed up at the pharmacy, only to find out that her son's medications would cost hundreds of dollars, even with insurance coverage.

Jennifer recently shared what it’s like to learn about these expenses at the pharmacy counter.

“You're rarely visiting the doctor or the pharmacist because you have good news,” Jennifer pointed out. “You're at a point in your healthcare that there's already fear, confusion, and concern. You don't need surprises at that point.”

Jennifer now knows that this type of information can be available to patients and care providers before setting foot in the pharmacy. “[Price transparency] is something you can discuss that with all of your providers [including] the doctor and pharmacist.”

Listen to Jennifer’s experience with sticker shock and learn more about how price transparency tools like Surescripts Real-Time Prescription Benefit can help patients and caregivers like Jennifer get the right medications the first time.