Trusted by healthcare professionals nationwide
Health intelligence sharing at scale requires powerful infrastructure. The Surescripts network delivers industry-leading reliability, security and scalability—all backed by our unshakable dedication to network integrity and compliance.
Through our network integrity practices, we commit to being a trustworthy partner in simplifying intelligence sharing. We safeguard the Network Alliance to protect personal health information and patient safety. We manage access to the network, enforcing rigorous security standards and continuously raising the bar for data accuracy and completeness.
Our Corporate Compliance Program is built for continued adherence to relevant federal healthcare laws and regulations and is directly modeled on guidance from the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Virtually all
insured Americans represented in our Master Patient Index
23.8 billion
transactions in 2023
2.14 million
unique healthcare providers and organizations connected1
Safeguarding the Surescripts Network Alliance
Healthcare professionals rely on Surescripts for timely and accurate healthcare information. They can depend on our network’s high availability, resilience, accuracy and safety.
Availability & resilience
Accuracy & patient safety
We set rigorous privacy, security and network access standards for our network and the Network Alliance, aiding cyber resilience and protecting health information from all angles.
Network privacy & security
Network access management
The Surescripts network delivers connectivity and interoperability at nationwide scale. Our technologies and development processes equip us to grow in not just size, but impact and value.
Nationwide connectivity & interoperability
Standards-forward innovation
Advanced technology & development infrastructure
Safeguarding patient privacy
The Surescripts network employs standards that protect privacy and confidentiality. As a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Business Associate, we transmit personal health information in accordance with applicable laws and the privacy and security requirements in our contractual agreements with Network Alliance participants.
Applying artificial intelligence responsibly
Our commitment to responsible use of AI technologies is aligned with the fair, appropriate, valid, effective and safe (FAVES) AI principles and grounded in four core areas:
Ethical use: We commit to developing and deploying AI technologies for which the benefits outweigh the risks and that take into account stakeholder well-being, potential biases, autonomy, privacy and safety.
Privacy and security: We intend to continue to protect and respect the privacy of any patient data processed by AI technologies and use security measures to safeguard data in AI systems.
Transparency: We will be appropriately transparent about how Surescripts incorporates AI in our business operations, products and services.
Accountability: We recognize our responsibilities for the AI technologies we deploy and their impacts. We aim to prioritize appropriate human oversight of AI technologies.
Keep pace with healthcare innovation
Surescripts Completes Settlement with Federal Trade Commission
As of July 27, 2023, Surescripts has agreed to settlement terms with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), constituting the completion of all issues raised in the complaint brought by the FTC in early 2019. Read the news release, letter to our customers and the Stipulated Order to learn more.
- Surescripts, “2023 National Progress Report,” March 2024.