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KLAS Research gave Surescripts Real-Time Prescription Benefit their “First Look” treatment in a March 2024 report. Does the solution work for health systems? Here’s what KLAS Research found.

Writing, filling and paying for prescribed medications is not a simple process.

Prescribers and staff working in clinics and health systems are often stymied by the administrative burden of phone calls, faxes and paperwork to get prescriptions into the hands of their patients.

As for patients—who want to get started on treatment—they’re stuck at home waiting. Even then, when the pharmacy calls or texts to say the prescription is ready, patients often arrive to find they can’t afford it. They cut pills in half or measure out partial doses to make it last and fall behind on medication adherence. Or they skip treatment entirely.

Real-Time Prescription Benefit changes all that.


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Supporting Patients & Providers throughout the Prescription Process


As KLAS Research found, 25 health systems chosen at random from our full customer list reported that Real-Time Prescription Benefit offers great value, is easy to implement, and makes an immediate impact.

  • 100%: In fact, every respondent surveyed for the report said they would buy Real-Time Prescription Benefit again.

The solution works for health systems because it connects prescribers to the relevant information they need:

  • Alternative medication options
  • Insurance medication coverage limitations
  • Patient benefit pricing & copay information
  • Alternative pharmacy options such as mail order
  • Alternative medication supply options such as 90-day supply

And it works for another reason: connectivity.

“Far and away,” said one survey respondent, “Surescripts has better connectivity than other vendors.”

The Information Presents Itself

We offer a single point of connection to health systems, pharmacies and payers across the U.S., and the network we’ve built over the past two decades leads the industry for reliability, security and scalability.

With 23.8 billion exchanges of clinical and benefit information in 2023, our network turns data into intelligence when and where it’s needed most. And that includes prescribers at health systems who need access to the patient’s insurance coverage, medication costs and therapeutic alternatives.

“The system is fairly easy to implement and use,” reported another survey respondent. “There is really no workflow change for the provider because the information just presents itself.”

Optimize medication decisions with benefit insights: Learn more about Real-Time Prescription Benefit.

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